Sunday, September 23, 2012

Assassin's Creed III

This article by Matt Miller tells us bout the thrid installment of the Assassin's Creed franchise. He explains that this new installment will stll have the same flow as Altiar and Ezio (main characters of previous games) but a new inviorment to explore and new characters to meet. But, this time it will take place in one of the most important phases in American history, the American Revoultion. From the previous game, this game is to tell the readers the re-doing of the new game. Its purpose is to tell the fans of what to expect in the new installment. This was written to the fans of the Assassin's Creed franchise and the fans of American history. Matt Miller explain the genre of the game as a historical fantacy game. He explain the new Assassin's Creed very detailed but not giving away the whole story. Fans should be very excited for the third installment.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Game Informer: Co-op Issue

This issue of Game Informer focused on the third installment of the successful trilogy, "Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel". The article by Jeff Lork is about how the team at Visceral Montreal are making big changes to the AOT (Army Of Two) franchise. In the previous installments, Rios and Salem (main characters of last game) were two cold heated mercenaries that took joy in their job. The game developers are taking a new turn with this game. They are moving into a more serious mode with the new characters of the game; Alpha and Bravo. Visceral Montreal wants people to tell their friends, "Man, you have to play this game".(Jeff Lork) The purpose of this article was to tell people that the third Army Of Two are making major changes to the new game, but still going to be the same fun game that their fans loved. This was mainly to the people who loved the previous AOT games. This is telling them that they are in for a real treat. I think that Jeff Lork did a good job telling the fans of what to expect for the third AOT. I'm a big fan of the franchise, so I'm very excited. This gave me an insight of the new characters, plot, and aspects of the game.